Fusion 2015 InfoFUSION is a youth event unique to Taranaki where High School Students from around the region get together one school day annually to be inspired in their faith and encouraged to make their schools better places. It consists of the Schools Day a night program and a leaders breakfast and is an expression of local youth leaders and scripture union.

This years Esther Elliot of The Revolution Tour is the main speaker.

  • WHEN: Friday 28th August 2015
  • WHERE: Park City Church, 94 Hurlstone Drive, Waiwhakaiho, New Plymouth
  • COST: $10 for the day & FREE at night time (offering taken)
  • TIME: 830am-3pm & 7-9pm

Permission slips and media here…

Plus FUSION EDGE Breakfast and Leadership Development morning wityh Esther is running on the Saturday for youth leaders. Just $10. RSVP to [email protected].

Fusion 2015

School Chaplains Needed – 2015 Training

Churches Education CommissionARE YOU A GOOD LISTENER?
Can you spare 4 hours a week?
Do you love children and want to make a difference when they need help?

Then school chaplaincy may be for you!

We need school Chaplains urgently. The next CARE training course is being held locally in New Plymouth and is a great opportunity to get involved in chaplaincy. In between the training weekends you will Continue reading

School Chaplains Needed

CEC - Churches Education CommissionAre you: a good listener, discreet, empathetic, relatable, able to give 4 hours a week?

The Churches Education Commission (CEC) is looking for people, particularly males, to train as school chaplains in Taranaki. Chaplains are from all walks of life, ages and experience.

  • When: Fri 23rd & Sat 254h August plus follow-up course November 22ndth/23rd
  • Where: Waitara
  • Costs: $150 Continue reading