School Chaplains Needed – 2014 Training

Churches Education CommissionARE YOU A GOOD LISTENER?
Can you spare 4 hours a week?
Do you love children and want to make a difference when they need help?

Then school chaplaincy may be for you!

We need school Chaplains urgently. The next CARE training course is being held locally in New Plymouth and is a great opportunity to get involved in chaplaincy. In between the training weekends you will be assigned to a school for a one term practicum.

  • WHEN: Part 1:- 27th/28th June 2014, Part 2: 12th/13th September 2014.
  • HOW MUCH: Course cost $100 approx.

Please speak to your minister/pastor or contact Debbie 754 4942, or email [email protected]


Walk for Hope 2014

A Girl Called HopeA Girl Call Hope – Sponsored Walk

For the last 7 years a group of women in our city have held a 5km sponsored walk for “A Girl Called Hope “.

This year, the beautiful walk along the coastal walkway is being held Saturday 5th April in New Plymouth Men, Women & children of all ages welcome to register and walk.

  • Where: CityLife Church, 24 Egmont Street
  • When: From 9.30am, walk starts at 10.00am

“A Girl Called Hope” is a non–profit Christian organisation with a home in Auckland, working with young women who face life–controlling issues and behaviours such as abuse, addictions, depression, eating disorders, self harm and unplanned pregnancy. Continue reading

SOZO Introduction

SOZO Saved Healed DeliveredCityLife Church invite you to join them for an introduction to SOZO Ministry.

SOZO ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of those things hindering your personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Thus with a healed connection with Father, Son and Holy Spirit you can walk in the destiny to which you have been called.

  • When: Starting Wednesday 12 March and running for 7 weeks
  • Where: CityLife Church, Egmont Street, New Plymouth
  • Cost: tbc Continue reading

Elijah House Seminars with Sandra & Peter Kersten

Elijah HouseElijah House NZ is pleased to bring Sandra & Peter Kersten to Taranaki for two seminars in the first half of 2014.

  • Seminar 1: Identity and Destiny
    • When: 24th to 26th April 2014
    • Where: New Plymouth Salvation Army
    • Contact: [email protected] or Karen on 067586512
  • Seminar 2: Healing Trauma Seminar
    • When: 1st to 3rd May 2014
    • Where: Highway Church 357 South Road, Hawera
    • Contact: [email protected] or Jan on 062728072
  • Times: Thurs 730p-9p, Fri & Sat 9a-5p
  • Cost: $50 for each seminar (includes workbooks) Continue reading

Christian Women’s Breakfast

BreakfastA few months back Beth Lee (CityLife Church), Janine Clow (Park City Church) and Pip Batten (citywestchurch) got together with a plan to renew the connections as Christian women in Leadership across the city / region. To this end we invite Christian Women heading churches and ministries to join us for breakfast!

  • When: 730-9am 30th November
  • Where: Central Baptist Church
  • Cost:$5.00

Please RSPV to Anne Kelderman from Central Baptist by Tue Nov 26th.

If you are on Facebook, please feel free to “friend” either Beth, Janine or Pip and they can add you to the group set up for this purpose.

‘Human Sexuality’ by Rob Yule

Human Sexuality

Human Sexuality: A Christian Perspective on Today’s Sexualised Culture.

Rob Yule

Rob Yule is a recently-retired Presbyterian minister. Married to Christene, he has five children and fourteen grandchildren. Rob has had an interesting and varied career. He studied at Auckland, Otago, and Edinburgh Universities, and was chaplain at Victoria University of Wellington in the nineteen seventies. He served in churches at Hornby Christchurch, St. Albans Palmerston North, and Greyfriars, Mt. Eden, Auckland. He played a key role in charismatic renewal in the Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand, and was Presbyterian Moderator in 2000-2002.
Rob has lectured in the Manawatu Branch of the Bible College of New Zealand, and in mission trips from St. Albans after the fall of Communism – at Harvest International Ministries Bible School in the Czech Republic. His recent courses at Emmaus College, Palmerston North have included ‘New Evidence for God’s Existence,’ ‘Presence and Power: The Theology of the Holy Spirit,’ and this seminar.

  • When: 8th & 9th November 2013 – Fri 730pm / Sat 9am, 11am, 730pm
  • Where: St James Presbyterian Church, Lawry Street, New Plymouth
  • Costs (excluding Sunday service): $25.00 full or $10 per session (incl refreshments)