Time Bank Taranaki

A Timebank is an initiative that enables citizens / neighbours and groups to connect with each other and use their skills and gifts to help one another out. Through the process of helping another, one accumulates ‘time credits’ which are logged in an online time account. One can ‘purchase’ help from other members by using their time credits.

We would love to invite any and all interested people to a public meeting on the Timebank

  • When: 7.30pm – 8.30pm, Wed April 11
  • Where: Peace Hall, Vivian Street (across the road from Saint Mary’s Cathedral)

More information on time banking if you are interested

Time banks are growing phenomena around the world.  (See Taranaki Time Bank Brochure)

Time Banks operate in over 22 countries as well as NZ.  Lyttelton, Whakatane and Otkai have established time banks with good membership bases.  Over the last 12 months approximately seventeen  more Time banks are also either operating or in development around the country.

Time Banking is a way of exchanging skills in a community that uses time as the measurement tool, not money. You do something for someone else and earn a time credit and then use this to get someone to do something for you. You earn a time credit no matter what you do, so every person is on equal footing i.e. 1 hour equals 1 hour.  One hour of walking some ones dog can be traded for an hour of legal services.

The community chest provides an opportunity for anyone to donate their excess time credits. These are then redistributed to individuals or groups in need. In this was a person can give twice – (i) you first give to the individual or the group you assist and then by gifting the time credit to the community chest you (ii) are able to gift the time to another individual or group.  We think this could of particular interest to organisations who are supported by volunteers.

There’s so much more to say so please think about coming to the public meeting on the 11th but if you are to keen to wait till then or are unable to make this night please contact myself or Dory (details on the attached brochure). Also, just Google Time banking – there is plenty on the web.

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